Our Services

residental, commercial, office buildings from concept to realization documentation

we can design all projects using BIM (building information modeling)

we can take care of all building documentations including every profession

from commercial fit-out to your residental space all to yours specifications

we take care of all managerial side of building process for our clients

Our Workflow

  • 1/5 We start with first meeting to hear your requirements and ideas. We will give you advise on next steps and help to understand your project.

  • 2/5 Next we analyse all the inputs so we can create concept idea which together we can discuss before continuing next.

  • 3/5 Then we follow up with architecture study to completion that is not just pretty pictures ,but building that can be build with all your requirements.

  • 4/5 After that we will create all necessary documentation for permits and building realization including professions so that the construction can begun.

  • 5/5 Do not worry even during construction we will supervise and help you will all the necessities until the building completion.



  • Michal Smolák

    Development manager, Aupark a.s.

    “My cooperation with jaar architects is always extremely high quality. The architects brought many good and effective ideas, including the innovative reuse of existing materials and the creation of a unique green facade for Bratislava's Aupark. They are always willing to help and resolve inconsistencies, which will make the entire implementation process much easier for me. I appreciate their professionalism and flexibility in cooperation and look forward to further challenges and projects.”

  • Martin Smrek

    Project manager, DYNAMIK HOLDING a.s.

    "We rate the cooperation with jaar architects on extension of the shopping center - AUPARK P6 positively. I mainly want to highlight the proactive approach of the team members to individual questions and challenges on the project. Dealing with individual topics and daily communication with the construction or the investor goes smoothly."

  • Roman Macko

    Executive manager, LIKO-S, spol. s r.o.

    "Collaboration with arch. Jančina and his team was very inspiring for me. The commitment and expertise with which they dealt with the preparation for the Aupark project - Biotile green facades was a good opportunity to meet passionate experts who do not compromise and pursue their goals. Design of the green facade Biotile is a challenge for us to come up with solutions that are groundbreaking. The professional and personal approach of Mr. Jančina is an inspiration in this area, I learned other new things. I am glad that we found each other and could create together by helping to green up Bratislava”

  • Pavel Hradec

    Center Manager, Galerie Harfa

    “Spolupráca s JAAR- pánom Jančinom a jeho tímom je niečo, čo nás priviedlo k úplne novým strategickým myšlienkam. Spoločně sme pripravovali upgrade projektu Galerie Harfa. Návrhy, s ktorými architekti prišli boli naozaj strategicky správne, premyslené a súčasne v mnohých prípadoch absolútne originálne. Celý náš projektový tím priviedli k novému, netradičnému uvažovaniu.”